Asphalt Milling and Overlays
Breathe new life to your old or damaged asphalt with asphalt milling and overlay!
If you found cracks and multiple potholes in your asphalt, you might be thinking it’s time to replace it entirely. You’ve asked around and did some paving and overlay comparison. You’ve also mulled over a thousand repaving considerations. The conclusion? Installing a new parking lot is not something you can afford right now.
But if you’re dealing with minor damage (such as extensive alligator cracking or multiple potholes), then you don’t need to replace the parking lot entirely. You can bring back the health and luster of your parking lot with M5 Paving’s asphalt milling and overlay.
Assessing Your Parking Lot
We’ll determine whether your parking lot needs milling and overlay or all it needs is a little TLC.
Milling Damaged Asphalt On Site
The damaged top layer is ground on the spot with an asphalt milling machine. The milled asphalt is then sent to the plant to be recycled.
Paving the Way for a Fresh, New Surface
Finally, we’ll install a new asphalt overlay. Our team will work as efficiently as possible to make sure you and your customers can use your new parking lot ASAP.

A Safer Parking Lot While Saving Money at the Same Time?
Thanks to M5 Paving, making sure your parking lot is 100% safe and beautiful is within reach. And there’s no need to spend thousands of dollars replacing your entire parking lot. Finding alligator cracks or multiple potholes won’t spell doom to your bank account. In most cases, all your pavement needs is asphalt milling and overlay.
Asphalt milling and overlay stands out among other asphalt repaving options. Not only is this option more cost-effective, it’s also environment-friendly and produces a smooth, long-lasting surface. Plus, you don’t have to close your parking lot for several days and lose business just because your parking lot needs a makeover. The whole process is designed to be efficient to minimize disruptions to your business’s operations.

Choose M5 Paving for Your Needs
Embark on a journey towards a safer, more organized, and appealing parking area with M5 Paving.
Contact us now at 303-217-7703 or email at quotes@m5paving.com to receive a free quote or for inquiries.